Global Ministry Supply
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April 12, 2014

Container number GMSNTMPNG05 is off and moving towards  Papua New Guinea!   GMSNTMPNG06 (the next container to PNG for NTM) should carry another 4000 Hamtai Bibles. Yes, that is right. The first 6000 shipped about a year ago are gone and the churches are asking for more!  We have also been approached about the possibility of shipping a container to PNG for  A.B.W.E. This is great if the  Lord brings it to pass. It does however come with its unique issues.  First off, our warehouse is kind of small. Processing two containers at a time could be a challenge. Then there is time. we would need to see the Lord provide more volunteer time/help to get it done as Bob's time in particular is pretty full now as he must still work full time to pay or personal living expenses.  On this issue, we are confident that the Lord led in the creation of GMS.  Finances however continue to be an issue. Many churches do not understand / comprehend the need for this type of ministry.  It seems hard for them grasp the correlation between what GMS does and how that is relevant / participating in the spread o the Gospel and church planting. Please pray with us that the Lord might go before us in this and provide clear understanding to those we share GMS with. 

Until ALL have heard,

Bob & Cheryl 

May 16, 2013

Exciting things are happening these days! We are close to being ready to send our next container off to Papua New Guinea. The doubly exciting thing is that there will be 6000 Hamtai New Testaments included in this shipment! The New Testament was first translated into the Hamtai language in 1975. However with the constant changes in language it became necessary to revise the translation to reflect the Hamtai language of today. This new edition is the fruit of 9 years labor by Tom and Corine Palmer, missionaries with New Tribes Mission to the Hamtai people.  This week we were blessed with 21 volunteers representing 4 area churches who came to inspect and wrap all 6000 in plastic bags! Three days later the project is now complete!  We hope to be ready to ship the container by the first week of June.

.It has been a while in process but another exciting thing is that we have received our Federal 501(c)3 status.   Now that we have this, the next "stop" on the government paperwork trail is to apply for and receive our Pennsylvania state sales tax exemption. Having this we reduce the cost of most things we purchase for missionaries by 6%.

October 5, 2011

GMS is now a registered non-profit corporation with the State of Pennsylvania!  We became an official, legal entity on September 28th 2011.

Our target date to begin operations is January 1 2011. To achieve this goal, there is much to see the Lord do and provide for. If the Lord has put on your heart to help, please see our volunteer and  contribute pages for ways YOU can be a part of the ministry of Global Ministry Supply. 
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Or call +1-814-381 4886

November 12, 2011

We continue to move forward with GMS, though the going is slow. An ideal situation would be for one of God's people to offer the use of a suitable building free or even at a reduced rental rate.   It needs to be somewhere within 20 miles of Conneaut Lake, Pa. 

Here are a couple excerpts from emails sent to us by some of our former co-workers in Papua  New Guinea . These really help to highlight the  urgent need!

Ron & Tami James write:  We really appreciate your vision for this ministry. Right now we are clueless how we will ship our things over for our 2nd term at Lapilo. Of course that stresses Ron out more than me, but I suppose in a few more months it will also become a burden for me. Anyway, just want you to know that we are thrilled to be on your update list and that we are joining you in praying for God’s will for GMS. 

Patrick & Dawn Eggleton write: I was writing to see how things are going with your plans for a shipping ministry. How has God answered prayers? We would really like to ship some things back to PNG next year, but we don't know how we will do that at present. We've been hoping that the ministry will work out for you.

These are just two families in PNG that are affected and need the services of GMS.  While there are a couple buildings in our area that meet our requirements and are available for rent, our present financial position simply does not allow it.   When we resign from NTM sometime in the new year, we are praying that most of our present financial partners will continue on with us and GMS. However, we have already lost a goodly percentage of our support since returning to the U.S.  Pray that the Lord would substantially increase the financial support for GMS.   Sufficient funding is a necessity for Global Ministry Supply to be able to go forward!  Pray for the moving of the Lord's hand to provide for these needs. 
March 25, 2012

Global Ministry Supply is now operational! GMS began operations on March 17 with our first order for purchase at that time. Since then we have experienced  a  steady increase in both orders for purhcase and in inquiries  about sending items to us for shipment. We have our "sights set" on shipping out our first container for New Tribes Mission in Papua New Guinea sometime in the month of May. Pray that we will have sufficient loading to meet that time frame. There are many families heading back to the field after a year on home assigment who wish to get their supplies there in  a timely manner. 

We have also been working on making the shipping arrangments for a container full of donated school curriculium and supplies  to be shipped to Sierra Leone for Transformation Education / World Hope. It has however hit a bit of a snag as World Hope is in the middle of renewing their paperwork with the Sierra Leone Government. This unfortunatley affects their Duty Free shipping status and thereby holds up the shipment until the Government renewal is complete. Please join us in prayer that this matter might be expedited so that this shipment of much needed educational material can get moving. 

While GMS is operational, there is still much to believe the Lord for. Please join us in prayer for theses matters.  Pray  for the Lord's wisdom, direction and leading in the growth of the ministry.  Pray with us for favor and expiditious service with various government agencies involved in the shipments of goods to various countries; both with U.S. customs and with the customs agencies in the destination countries.  Also pray with us for the Lord to continue to raise up ministry financial partners. We are operating, but it is on a "shoestring" budget at this time. For the organization and ourselves to be fully supported will at this point in time  require in excess of $6000 / month.  We are only at about 25% at present. Finally,  please pray with us for good contacts with buisnesses that would be willing to provide items at reduced rates or even cost for the missionaries we serve. 

Until All ahve heard,
Bob, for GMS
June 8, 2012

We are busy purchasing, receiving and packing items for our first container. It's destrination is Papua New Guinea and is for New Tribes Mission. We are at a bit over 50% of a load at this point, but we also have a lot more on order-on the way including 20,000 of water softener salt for the Lapilo Center water system. Other items in this load range from washing machines, to clothes and a little bit of everything in between! Our goal is to ship by the second week of July if we have sufficient loading. 
November 1, 2012

Global Ministry Supply had its first birthday back the end of September. GMS was incorporated as a non-profit corporation in the state of Pennsylvania on Sept 20, 2011. This first year has been a year of learning and growing for us. While not major moves, we have moved operations twice, once just across the street and more recently to another part of the same building. We have purchased for and shipped out one container to Papua New Guinea and are close to sending out second; as soon as we have enough loading. We have also sent things by U.S. mail and while not participating in the purchasing for or loading of, we have processed the paperwork for shipping a container to Sierra Leone.
 GMS is still in the process of applying for our Federal 501(c)3 tax exempt status. We hope to have that completed by the first of the year. Once this is complete then we can apply to the state for sales tax exemption. This will enable us to not have to pay sales tax on purchased supplies, further reducing the costs for those we serve.  
Our major hurdle remains financial support. While the Lord has provided a couple new financial partners, we lost significantly more support upon our return to the U.S. and change of ministry. In order for GMS to be at a place where it can support us financially thereby allow us to devote ourselves more fully to and grow the ministry, it will require a significant increase in financial support. I (Bob) am struggling to keep up with both a full time job and the hours needed just to keep up our present level of ministry, let alone increase. Our prayerful goal is to see the Lord provide this needed level of support so that the ministry can grow and move forward as the Lord enables. 
Prayer and praise requests are:
Praise for the Lord’s faithfulness this first year
    Pray for the completion and acceptance of our 501(c)3 application
Praise the Lord for His strength and enablement this past year
Pray for strength and stamina to keep up with our very busy schedule.
Pray for the Lord’s increase in financial support for the ministry. 

Until ALL have heard the name of Jesus,
Bob & Cheryl Yarnell

December 22, 2012

    The date of another "prediction" of the end of the world has passed. Millions upon millions of people in this world naively go about their lives as stated in 2 Peter 3:4 "And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." Millions more go about their daily lives with hardened hearts rejecting even the very idea of creation. Finally, millions upon millions more have never even heard the creation story let alone the Gospel message of Salvation in Christ. But whereas this latest Mayan prediction made headlines around the world, The Christ of Christmas has once again in 2012 been a person of disdain, of ridicule, yes, even of hatred. But as you read on in 2 Peter Just as in the days of Noah when the Lord judged sinful, unbelieving mankind with the Flood; even so the Lord's final judgment will come upon this unbelieving world!

    As we move into the New Year, might I ask, where is your heart in all of this? We as followers of Christ must give greater heed to those around us, to their spiritual condition. My New Years' resolution is more of a plea; Lord help me to be more in tune with the unsaved around me, with their LOST condition, and more open and vocal about my faith. Will you join me and make this your "resolution" Also? For surely just as 2 Pet. 3:19-11 tells us The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

   The signs of the times grow ever clearer. The Lord's return draws nigh. Let each of us who name the name of Christ as our Savior be busy about the Lord's work, spreading the GOOD NEWS OF SALVATION IN CHRIST, around the world and around the block!